
The Plant Invasion Continues...

Today was a day of failed Good Intentions. I meant to spend today writing blog posts, but spent most of the day outside, instead.

Yesterday I transplanted most of my peppers, and the Black Susan Vines. I also re-seeded a few plants that had died and/or hadn't sprouted. The tomatoes have moved onto my windowsill, relocating my caterpillar draft dodger to the bookcase, and three flats now occupy the table. Tomorrow I have to find space for one more flat so I can plant more seeds.

After Rearranging:
Future Post Topics:
I got an Award!
GVOS Orchid show
Tuesday's Activities
African Violet blooms


Anonymous said...

You are very enterprising. I found time to water my houseplants. That's the extent of my spring gardening to date.

Ginny said...

Wasn't it a glorious day to be outside, though?

How about setting up a TV tray where the stool is in the dining area? It's ok with me.


Sarah said...

Jim- The plants got started so late last year that I wanted to get an early start...a little to early for the four o' clocks.
I'm glad your houseplants got some attention, though. :)

Mom- It was a lovely day! Sounds like a good spot to me - morning sun, and a south-east exposure.


Anonymous said...

I know how it feels to run out of space for seedlings. I'm trying to figure out where to put a few more trays.

Sarah said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who runs out of space! I think I have a spot for the last flat...It's a good thing it's the last one, though!