
How Does Your Cosmos Grow?

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday; visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

Miss Sarah, thy plants self-sow,
How doth thy Cosmos grow?
Why, five feet tall
Like my Sunflowers all.
Ok, poetry never was my best subject in school, and I am ripping off a nursery rhyme. My cosmos is about five feet tall, though. Just like my sunflowers.
Happy GTS!


Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Sarah, I am reading blogs through blotanical. I like your poem and photos. I have some tall cosmos that finally have some buds on them.

ronel marin said...

i really love to see those beautiful plants and stuff but the problem is i don't know how to plant that..lol anyway nice blog im sure i will check out all of new post..have a happy blog

Sarah said...

Sue- Thanks! I love cosmos, and have been growing it for years. This year it does seem to have taken longer to bloom.

ronel- Cosmos is easy - scatter seeds around in the fall, and watch them pop up like weeds in the spring/summer. I also save seeds and start them indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date.

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