
GTS & Happy Mothers Day

Green Thumb Sunday
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday; visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there! My GTS picture is of my Mother's miniature iris.


Aiyana said...

Happy GTS and Mom's Day to you too!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Those are really cute. I have wanted to buy some minis but have not got any yet. I do have a mini daffodil though and I enjoy it a lot when it blooms!

Sarah said...

Aiyana- thanks for stopping by!

cindee- I've seen a few mini daffodils and thought I should get some, but never seem to remember when I shop for bulbs. Thanks for stopping by!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sarah,
I would be glad to share some mini daffodil bulbs with you.