
GTS - Plant Invasion Continues

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday; visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
The plants that are still invading my room; mostly flowers, with a few herbs and a couple of extra peppers. The flat was started in the basement under the grow lights my Dad set up for me. The plants weren't doing overly well, so after planting most of what was on the tv trays I moved it to the window. The problem was either not enough light (we don't have a timer yet) or not enough water.


Good News & Bad News

The good news is that the rain let up enough this afternoon that I got my tomatoes, peppers, Four o' Clocks, and Calendula planted. 
The bad news is that I didn't start enough tomatoes. I'm supposed to have 8 plants of each variety. I have 6 of each variety. I spent some time calling around to see if anyone sold either variety. There is one place in Webster, and no one in my family can tell me how to get there. MapQuest, here I come!

PS The picture is from 5/10/09. They are the seedlings that invaded my bedroom. It wasn't as bad as last year, because my Dad built a light shelf for me! Pictures soon. 