
GTS 1-25-09 Amaryllis

Green Thumb Sunday

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday; visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

Mom and I have two Amaryllis plants this year. One I managed to successfully care for over the summer. The other was an impulse buy at Walmart. The Walmart one has bloomed, and the other has sent up a shoot. A picture of it from last year is here. The second two pictures are with the macro setting on my camera.


GTS 1-18-09

Green Thumb Sunday
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday; visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

I just got a new camera, and gave the macro setting a try this afternoon. This is my Mom's Christmas cactus. After it finishes blooming we plan to re-pot it, since it has been in its' current pot for many years.